QuantumCats High Quality Bengal Kittens

High Quality Bengal Kittens With Some Of the Finest Lineages in the World

Our Dream

We are devoted and dedicated to improving upon the bengal breed as a whole. We are a fully health and genetically tested, TICA registered, small family-owned cattery. Our bengals are holistically handraised and naturally reared in our home with our family underfoot. The health and wellness of our cats is our first priority. We have a heavy focus on increasing genetic diversity, and work to perfect certain traits of the bengal cat, moving towards particular physical features of their wild ancestors, the asian leopard cat.

We are deeply connected to and passionate about this beautiful and wild breed of cats. A lifetime of love, snuggles, friendship, laughs, adventures, and healing has been gifted to us by this amazing breed. This is a truly spectacular and unique kitty. We strive to create the most stunning and sweet bengals. Our top priority is giving our cats the most pure, healthy, and holistic upbringing, with a focus on raw nutrition, naturopathic and holistic medicine, diverse stimuli, fun adventures and lots of love and affection. From gentle and sweet temperaments, playful personalities, stunning glittery coats, gorgeous rosettes, to healthy and strong bodies, our cats are the finest addition to every family. We have meticulously chosen each of our breeding cats to produce only the most pristine examples of the bengal breed.

Get on our Galactivated Waiting List to Reserve your Place for a Bengal Kitten today

Our Bengal Cats and Kittens are Naturally Reared from birth. Our Queen and King are first Generation Naturally Reared and their kittens will be second Gen NR. This means, from birth they have been fed a balanced raw nutrition, with no unnecessary conventional chemical or pharmaceutical interventions. They have been raised in a clean, toxin free, low stress, home environment. Studies show that by the third generation of natural rearing, there is significant health benefits. The animals live longer and stronger, with less degenerative diseases. Feeding your cats a species appropriate raw food diet with fresh purified water, is one of the best things you can do for your fur babies immune system! Cats are obligate carnivores so this means that their species appropriate diet is raw meat, organs and bones. Conventional food made for pets is cooked, filled with carcinogenic and harmful fillers, and low nutrient density. Overtime, feeding them this type of food can cause severe health issues, high veterinary costs, and lots of heartache. Its never too late to switch to raw! Your fur baby will thank you!

We use a Holistic and Naturopathic approach to caring for, preventing and treating illness in our cats. By building strong and resilient immune systems with raw food, purified water, natural medicine, a clean, low stress, toxin free environment, using holistic preventatives and supplements, we ensure the healthiest and strongest start for our cats and kittens! Our kittens are gently and naturally weaned from their mothers milk, then transitioned to a balanced ground raw. We do not use any potentially harmful pharmaceuticals on our cats or kittens unless absolutely necessary. After years of research, we have come to the conclusion that there is not a lack of man made pharmaceutical chemicals in the body, but rather, that all illness stems from a nutrient deficiency or toxin overload from the internal or external environments.

Our cats and kittens are handraised underfoot in our home with our family. We take special care to expose them to lots of diverse stimuli to give them a well rounded start, confident start. Our Lab Mix Sora and small children help us raise and socialize our kittens, handling them with lots of gentle love, affection and of course, silly play! Bengals love to climb so we have lots of vertical space for them to explore. We make sure to get our Bengal Kittens acclimated to the outdoors while wearing a harness from a young age so you can explore nature and adventure with them, if that interests you! Giving your Bengal Kitten proper mental and physical exercise is key to a happy, healthy, thriving Bengal Cat. From birth we are handling the kittens with gentle love. We take them on car trips in their harness and even to various store adventures! Exposure to diverse stimuli builds the cats confidence to be able to transition to any type of environment, like the show halls!

Our Certifications and Affiliations